As a BAS Agent, of course I understand how BAS lodgement works [or you would hope that I do lol!] Sometimes I forget that what is old hat for me, can be confusing to my clients or even present as completely new information. Yesterday a client asked me why his monthly instalment activity statement for September hadn’t yet been lodged. The simple answer is that it’s not due yet, something that I thought he understood – apparently not! This has prompted me to write this blog – 5 BAS lodgement facts in 5 minutes. Yep, it will only take you 5 minutes to read this blog which I recommend you do if you don’t understand the mechanics of BAS lodgement.

So there you go – in only 5 minutes, you now have a better understanding of the various types of BAS and when they are due.
If you think you need further help or information, don’t hesitate to contact us here at e-BAS Accounts – after all, BAS lodgement is our specialty!