New year, new process – Job Requests!
This year we are making some changes to our internal processes. As part of those changes, we recently moved to a new job management system called Clickup. The app allows for a lot of innovation and creativity in regards to business operations, including the ability to automate many processes. We have only just begun our journey with Clickup but are already very impressed. Our first “automation creation” via Clickup is a new way for clients to send us job requests.
We have created a form in Clickup which asks clients what their job request is about and it allows for document uploads too – here is a screenshot of the form:

Once submitted, the form is automatically turned into a task inside the client’s folder in Clickup. Clickup then notifies us that the job has been created. The due date supplied by client on the form is marked as the due date in the task by Clickup. Any documents supplied by the client are added to the task too. There is nothing for us to do here (except the job itself, of course!). Automation is a wonderful thing!
We have advised clients to add the link for the job request form to their favourites list for quick access at any time. We also put the form link into our email signature to give clients an alternative way to find the link quickly. Hopefully, the use of this new form will reduce the number of emails between us and our clients (and who doesn’t want less email clutter?). We may even investigate the idea of putting a button on our website for request submission…..who knows!
The Job Request form is the start of a few new processes coming out this year. I’ll blog about this as we go along.
Do you do something similar to the above with your clients? Does it work well? Do you use Clickup for your business? Let us know by commenting below.
New year, new process – Job Requests! Read More »