Code of Conduct

Goody Two-Shoes

Recently I was asked by a client to put a hold on the payment of his employee’s SGC (super guarantee contribution) due to an ongoing dispute between them. I of course, refused to do this because it is illegal to hold SGC payments and/or not pay them at all. Did I do this because I’m a little “Goody Two-Shoes” who always does the right thing? Well, to be honest, there probably is a little bit of that involved, but the real reason why I didn’t play the game with that client is that I am a BAS Agent. As such, I am bound by a strict code of conduct which dictates what I can and cannot do. If being a BAS Agent also means you have to be a “Goody Two-Shoes” then so be it – I’m guilty as charged.

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5 jobs your BAS Agent can’t do for you……

Following on from our previous blog, “20 jobs your BAS Agent can do for you”, I thought that it would also be good to advise you on the sorts of jobs your BAS Agent can’t do for you. BAS Agents are bound by a strict code of conduct as handed down by the Tax Practitioners Board (TPB) which among other things, forbids them from providing clients with Tax Agent services for a fee. Read on to see a list of these services.

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Source Documents & Our Obligations as BAS Agents

This is part 3 in our blog series about source documents. In parts 1 and 2 we explained what source documents are, why they’re important, and also how our clients deal with them. Today we will look at how the legislation which guides us as BAS Agents impacts the way we work with source documents.

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